Software UniCut
UniCut software
User-friendly UniCut software is a proprietary development of our company. To simplify and optimize cutting process UniCut provides the special functions such as pause, back move along the contour, quick transition to any piercing, quick change of piercing point, cutting can be initiated from any point of contour, etc.

Quality and performance
Unlike conventional cutting, where each pattern is cut separately, FlyCut is cutting all contours located in one line which significantly reduces time of thin workpieces processing. Line by line, an optical head covers the whole workpiece at high speed, cutting contours at the relevant area. This technology is ideal for perforated grilles processing. Learn more
FineCut technology ensures precise cutting of complicated contours. Specific areas of a contour – at the corners or located close to each other - are processed in the pulsed mode. Switching between FineCut and regular mode occurs automatically in accordance with the settings. Innovative FineCut technology ensures switching between the pulsed and continuous modes even within one contour. Learn more
Laser power can be controlled depending on the speed
To reach higher quality of sharp and right angles laser power can be controlled automatically depending on the speed of the optical head. At zero speed (at the moment of stop at the corner) output power equals to minimum power configured in the settings which prevents the corner from a burnout.
Automatic program creation
UniCut software can help you to create a cutting program quickly and intuitively, in a few clicks. The program automatically detects nested contours and calculates the most optimal travels. This function is useful for small enterprises that are dealing both with small batches and a wide range of products.
Safe areas
Safe areas – are the areas where clamps or holders of workpieces are located. If an optical head enters this area, the contour is not processed, and the machine is put on hold. Settings of safe areas are carried out by an operator; they are also considered when software creates collision-safe travels.
Collision-safe travels
Separate cutout workpieces and parts can be lifted up and become an obstacle on the way of an optical head. Function of collision-safe travels automatically avoids hazardous areas. The movement of an optical head among the contours is controlled by program which prevents it from getting into the areas where the cutting has been already done.
Economics and control
Operator’s log
Working objectives can be set and controlled remotely from the operator’s workplace reducing paperwork and setting goals through the network. That helps to organize working process more efficiently because systematization (materials, priority, product) is done automatically in this case. The module of setting and controlling objectives also allows for balancing the working load among the machines.
Production statistics and economics
For the listed in the Library materials UniCut software automatically calculates time for workpiece processing, beneficial use of materials, number of parts, the cost of one hour or one meter cutting and one punch. Received data significantly simplify cost calculations of separate parts and assemblies, e.g., calculations for third-party orders, costing production and waste.
Intuitive and user-friendly software
Simple and intuitive UniCut software saves time for staff training: mid-level specialist can be quickly taught basic work on the machine. The cost of mid-level specialist work will be less than highly-skilled professional resulting in lower product cost.
Convenient operation and service
Individual settings for laser piercing, engraving and cutting
Laser piercing, engraving and cutting modes can be set individually before the start of cutting cycle. There’s no need to stop the process in order to change or enter the new settings. Switching among the modes occurs automatically leading to higher production capacity of the cutting machine.
User-friendly interface
Provide the settings quickly using our user-friendly graphic interface. Graphic data is easier to percept than endless lines of digits, it saves your time and makes workplace’s atmosphere more comfortable.
Library of materials
UniCut software includes the Library of materials, where a user can find recommended settings for particular materials combined with the function to create new ones.
Unconditional comfort
All control interfaces of the machine units are integrated in one program. All modules can be controlled from one workplace to provide additional comfort.
Maintenance timers
Software maintenance timers help to provide technical maintenance on schedule indicating time for replacing consumables. The software automatically calculates working hours for machine units and notifies an operator about the required service.
Remote diagnostics
Remote diagnostics of system malfunction (through the Internet) makes it possible to reduce downtime of the machine and cut down off-site expenses concerned with wrong settings of the equipment.
FineCut technology ensures precise cutting of complicated contours. Specific areas of a contour – at the corners or located close to each other - are processed in the pulsed mode. Switching between FineCut and regular mode occurs automatically in accordance with the settings.
Cutting samples

Cutting samples of steel 1.5 mm (oxygen, 6000 mm/min) in normal operation mode

Cutting samples of steel 1.5 mm (oxygen, 6000 mm/min) FineCut mode
Unlike conventional cutting, where each pattern is cut separately, FlyCut is cutting all contours located in one line which significantly reduces time of thin workpieces processing. Line by line, an optical head covers the whole workpiece at high speed, cutting contours at the relevant area. This technology is ideal for perforated grilles processing.

Normal mode
